
Space Warden is one of the two skins released in the Duel of Masters offer. It could be purchased for a limited time as part of an item deal in December 2016.

Space Warden could be purchased for $4.99 in a deal that included 7000 coins. It could also be purchased for $19.99 in the "Best Deal!" which included the Evil Master skin and 50000 coins. It was not available for individual purchase and may not be available for purchase in the future.

Details of this skin may vary depending on location, platform or time. The skin has come out once and hasn’t come out again except for the birthday version, the skin will never come out again and if you have it consider it really rare. An account with this skin can be worth well over a few hundred dollars

Note: The Duel of Masters offer was released again for a limited time in late August 2021. The item deals were adjusted to the following:

  • $4.99 - Space Warden and 3250 coins
  • $19.99 - Space Warden, Evil Master and 50000 coins

