
Kolibri is a Russian YouTuber. He is one of the most popular and skilled YouTubers. He has more than 290.000 subscribers. Kolibri started his channel in August of 2015, making him one of the oldest YouTubers. He is still active nowadays and focuses on playing solo.

Style of Play[]

Kolibri might not have been an outstanding player back in 2015, and especially never has been innovative in comparison to players such as Wun Wun. However, Kolibri kept playing and improved enormously over time. Nowadays he might be one of the best solo players, with great precision and timing.

Early Videos:

  • Even simple splits sometimes fail
  • Often accidentally hits viruses
  • Barely uses self-feeding to defend
  • Plays FFA mode


  • Extreme precision, especially in timing, self-feeding, splitting and virus shooting
  • Often uses (small) pieces to shoot viruses
  • Fast and precise and often complex splits
  • Often uses small pieces to farm viruses
  • Usually plays experimental mode or party mode


  • Ignores anti teaming penalty and often triggers it. In one video the penalty is so massive that he cannot handle it
  • Not very innovative/creative


  • Kolibri might be the most popular active .io-YouTuber nowadays
  • Players often use his name or a variation of his name as their nickname, such as "Kolibro". Therefore it's common to see other players with the name "Kolibri" in his videos.
  • However, even due to his popularity, there is no official YouTuber skin for him
  • His first videos had titles in Kyrillic, but in December 2015 they switched to English
  • His early videos had an intro and outro and often featured sounds (for example a machine gun sound when mass was ejected towards viruses) and memes on cells, but nowadays he does not add these any more.
  • He often uses random names in his videos
  • He focuses on playing solo, but sometimes also plays with a team mate. Rarely he starts to play solo but then transitions to play in a team.
  • He often shows (almost) complete playing sessions, rather than only highlights from a couple of sessions
  • He also made videos about a couple of clones

External links[]
