Cells have varying amounts of mass, a unit that shows how big a cell is. You can see your mass amount in-game by checking the "Show Mass" option on the game settings. Player cells can be grouped by the following masses:
Very Small Cell[]
Ranging from 10 to 50 mass. These are often newly created player cells who have just entered the game. However, these can also be existing player cells that have split from a larger mass or virus. These cells are usually ignored by giant cells and are vulnerable to small and the smaller part of the medium cells. These cannot be split by viruses.
Note: Cells cannot have a mass below 10.
Small Cell[]
Ranging from 50 to 199 mass. These are cells that have eaten enough food (pellets or cells) to be a little larger. This cell is more vulnerable to the larger medium cells compared to Very Small Cells.
Medium Cell []
Ranging from 200 to 499 mass. This is often the first half of the lower 40% of the game, and it makes up the majority of smaller cells. This cell size is vulnerable mostly to bigger medium cells or medium-large cell masses.
Medium-Large Cell[]
Ranging from 500 to 1249 mass. This is often the bottom third of the first half of the game. This cell size is especially vulnerable to large and giant cells.
Category 1[]
The cells from the 500 to 749 mass range. These are similar to the medium cells.
Category 2[]
The cells from the 750 to 1249 mass range. These are similar to the large cells.
Large Cell[]
Ranging from 1250 to 1999 mass, these cells are similar to Category 2 Medium-Large Cells because they both are earned over the course of the game.
Giant Cell[]
Ranging from 1000 to 5000+ mass. These cells have reached a massive amount of mass, and they can engulf the majority of smaller giant cells. Giant cells can be considered under three categories:
- Relatively Large Cell: Ranging from 1000 to 2499 mass. This can be a solitary player cell or two splits of a player's Massive Cell.
- Massive Cell: Ranging from 2500 to 3999 mass. This section of Giant cells often makes up the cells at the bottom and the middle of the leaderboard. This can be a solitary player cell or two splits of a player's Huge Cell.
- Huge Cell: Ranging from 4000+ mass. These player cells are often the top 5% of players and are at the middle and the top of the leaderboard. Note: A leaderboard's scoring for its players is often determined by the top player cell within this mass range.
It should be noted that a player's cell's mass will alter how much of the map a cell can see. The smaller the cell, the more it zooms in. The larger the cell, the more the screen zooms out to compensate for the cell's size.
In addition, a player's cell mass can change its desirability depending on its mass. A medium cell of mass 250 will split into two 125 medium cells that will be unable to engulf bigger medium cells. Thus, it is important to pay attention to one's own mass relative to surrounding cell masses. Otherwise, a player cell can attract the attention of a bigger cell mass.