
Beast Fighters - Coin Deal

Beast Fighters is a collection of offers that combine the themes of animals and martial arts. Beast Fighters included several editions with each offering a different set of skins. The skins in these offers could be purchased individually or with various game items. The Beast Fighters offers and skins were available for a limited time and there may be few opportunities to purchase them in the future.

Currently, the three editions of the Beast Fighters offer are as follows: Showdown, Urban and Jungle.


The Showdown Edition of the Beast Fighters offer was released in January 2017. The two skins in this edition could only be purchased as part of an item deal. They were not available for individual purchase.

The Beast Fighters: Showdown Edition skins are as follows: Husky Brawl and Kempo Tiger.


Beast Fighters: Showdown - Offer

Note: The Showdown Edition of the Beast Fighters offer was released again for a limited time in late June 2020. The included skins remained the same. However, the items, amounts and prices have been changed.

Urban Edition[]


Beast Fighters - New Skins! Button

The Urban Edition of the Beast Fighters offer was released in January 2017. The four skins in this edition could only be purchased using game coins. They were available in the Skins Shop under the "Beast Fighters" tab.

The four skins in the Beast Fighters: Urban Edition offer included: Bruiser Goat, Rogue Bunny, Rhino Boxer and Street Bull.


Beast Fighters: Urban Edition - Offer


Skins Shop - Beast Fighters: Urban Edition

Note: The Urban Edition of the Beast Fighters offer has been released many times after the initial debut. The last three limited time releases were in February 2022, February 2023 and then in August 2023. While the included skins remained the same, the prices did vary for some of these releases.

Jungle Edition[]

Beastfightersje coindeal button

Beast Fighters - Coin Deal Button

The Jungle Edition of the Beast Fighters offer was released in April 2017. The three skins in this edition could only be purchased as part of an item deal. They were not available for individual purchase.

The Beast Fighters: Jungle Edition skins are as follows: Karate Parrot, Raccoon Jutsu and Frog Thai.

Beastfighters je ad

Beast Fighters: Jungle Edition - Coin Deal Ad

Note: The Jungle Edition of the Beast Fighters offer has been released many times after the initial debut. The last three limited time releases were in February 2022, February 2023 and then in August 2023. While the included skins remained the same, the prices and game items varied between some releases.

Beast Fighters 3: Showdown[]

The Showdown Edition of the Beast Fighters 3 offer was released in late July 2020. The three skins in this edition could only be purchased with various packages of game items. They were not available for individual purchase.

The Beast Fighters 3: Showdown Edition skins are as follows: Croc Fu, Octoeira and Krav Monki.


Beast Fighters 3: Showdown - Offer


Beast Fighters! Button

Note: This edition of the Beast Fighters offer was released again for a limited time in July 2023. The item deals remained the same as the original release.

Details of these offer can vary depending on location, platform or time.
