Anime is a series of offers first introduced in May 2017. The skins in these offers are inspired by Japanese Anime and Manga. Currently, the Anime offer has two Volumes, which are each spit into two parts (or sub-offers).
Volume I[]
The first volume of the Anime offer was released in two parts in late May 2017. Each of the two parts included a distinct set of three skins. The first volume skins were available for a limited time and may not be available for purchase in the future.
The first volume included the following parts: 'Anime Nation!' and 'It's Over 9000!!'
Anime Nation![]
The skins in this part of the offer could be purchased in the Skins Shop under the 'Anime' tab. Each skin could only be purchased individually using game coins.
The 'Anime Nation!' skins included the following: Wacky Hero, Fallen and Power Girl.
Note: The 'Anime Nation!' sub-offer has been released many times after the initial 2017 debut. While the included skins remained the same, the prices varied between some of these limited time releases.
It's Over 9000!![]
The skins in this part of the offer could only be purchased with various packages of coins or DNA. They were not available for individual purchase.
The ‘It's Over 9000!!’ skins included the following: Skull Ribbon, Eyepatch and Mega Power.
Note: The 'It's Over 9000!!' sub-offer has been released multiple times after the initial 2017 debut. While the included skins remained the same, the prices and game items varied between some of these limited time releases.
Volume II[]
The second volume of the Anime offer was released in early November 2017. This offer was divided into two parts which each included a set of three skins. The skins in this offer may not be available for purchase in the future.
The Anime (Volume II) offer included the following parts (or sub-offers): Anime Vol. II and Final Attack.
Anime Vol. II[]
The three skins in this part of the offer could be individually purchased using game coins. They were available for a limited time in the Skins Shop under the 'Anime' tab.
The skins in this part of the offer included the following: Mega Mecha, Spinner Kid and Bolt Samurai.
Note: The 'Anime Vol. II' sub-offer has been released multiple times after its initial debut in 2017. While the included skins remained the same, the prices varied between some of these limited time releases.
Final Attack[]
The three skins in this part of the offer could only be purchased with various packages of coins or DNA. The could not be purchased individually.
The Final Attack skins included the following: Skull Bow, Power Ninja and Giant Human.
Note: The Final Attack part of the Anime offer has been released multiple times after its initial debut in 2017. While the skins remained the same, the included game items and prices changed for some of these releases.
Anime Nation III[]
The third volume of the Anime offer was split into two parts. They were released in consecutive weeks in September 2020. The skins in this volume were only available for a limited time. They may not be available for purchase in the future.
The first part of the Anime Nation III offer was released in early September 2020. The two skins in this part could only be purchased with various packages of coins or DNA. The could not be purchased individually.
The skins in the first part of Anime Nation III offer included the following: Dattebayo and BlackLeg.
Note: The first part of the Anime Nation III offer has been released multiple times since its original debut. The included skins, items and prices remained the same for every limited time release.
The second part of the Anime Nation III offer was released in mid September 2020. The three skins in this part could be only be purchased individually using game coins.
The skins in the second part of Anime Nation III offer included the following: Jaja, ElBillion and Sunkey.
Note: The second part of the Anime Nation III offer was released again for a limited time in May 2024. The included skins and prices remained the same as the original release.
Anime Nation IV[]
The fourth volume of the Anime offer was split into two parts. They were released in separate weeks in October 2020. The skins in this volume were only available for a limited time. They may not be available for purchase in the future.
The first part of the Anime Nation IV offer was released in early October 2020. The two skins in this part could only be purchased with various packages of coins or DNA. The could not be purchased individually.
The skins in the first part of the Anime Nation IV offer included the following: Le Smash and Big Power.
The second part of the Anime Nation IV offer was released in mid October 2020. The three skins in this part could be only be purchased individually using game coins.
The skins in the second part of Anime Nation IV offer included the following: Hunter Z, Baldman and Brooklyn.
Note: The second part of the Anime Nation IV offer was released again for a limited time in June 2024. The included skins and prices remained the same as the original release.
Details of these offers may vary depending on location and platform.