Follow Message Wall:Highlight
On that wall, admins will post threads that need to be highlighted. You will get notifications for them.
Ozziene wrote: DO NOT ENABLE ADBLOCKERS. Moneyclip might intend to fix the game
Granted, but it does not work
I wish for a yacht
Granted, but WunWun gets banned from the servers
I wish this game was great again
You have one, but it gets robbed
I wish this wiki was more active
Follow Message Wall:Highlight
On that wall, admins will post threads that need to be highlighted. You will get notifications for them.
Quote: you guys are complete Stupid idiots Go cried to your mom about agar io
Testing done, Content Mods have rollback powers
R3d193 has been a very helpful user, and has thus been promoted to Content Moderator!
If it is a huge amount, then atleast 2 weeks block
The poll will end tomorrow, then.