So recently, I was playing agario, then I found this glitch that distorts entities around you and yourself to the sprites becoming nothing but black squares or the model disappearing completely leaving only the nametags, the glitches especially appeared in big cells and when splitting. However, it stays forever with my sprite and is still ongoing. The arrow that controls direction spazzes out no matter what direction you are in. I took some screenshots of everything that I will post below.
My main question is if anyone else experienced this.
It is also still going on and affects my gameplay.
However, the directional arrow spazzing out means I'm able to easily change direction faster than normal and somehow makes my game to faster, but sometimes the screen glitches, and it happens to fast to be caught on my screenshots. (I don't have any recording methods.)
Since its ongoing, I'm trying to learn to control it, because during the glitch, as mentioned above, you can outrun cells you normally can't, despite the constant screen glitching as some sort of cheat, however, I believe what causes it is the game mechanics and visuals aren't loading fast enough to be seen, as despite my sprite saying the same, other players just have their sprites switch between glitched and normal.
Has anyone else seen this?