Replay to what the person on top of you says and make it the opposite Ex: I wish I had 1000 and the person below you writes, You enter a gameshow and you lost 1k and then the same person writes a wish and so on.
Replay to what the person on top of you says and make it the opposite Ex: I wish I had 1000 and the person below you writes, You enter a gameshow and you lost 1k and then the same person writes a wish and so on.
You have baught it, but a thunder lightning strucked to its antenna, so its inwards was burnt up
I wish to have own little store
You have one, but it gets robbed
I wish this wiki was more active
Your wish was granted,but it was active only for a month. I wish that Miniclip didn't buy
Your wish came true, but only you see it and it lasted for a second.
I wish this wiki has no vandals
There were no vandals until you ENABLED contributor editing.
I wish that Wun Wun comes back.
Granted, but WunWun gets banned from the servers
I wish this game was great again
The game gets deleted by Miniclip.
Wish it was like the old days...
I don't want to corrupt this wish,because I wish the same as Friendly777.
Instead,here's a new wish you can corrupt:
I wish a 64 plasma TV
Wait,why can't I write inches in forum comments?